Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Never Say Never

I've been deliberating ... to blog or not to blog. Does anyone really care about The Secret Lives of Rolanda and Stuart, aka The Not So Exciting Really Quite Dull But None-The-Less Happy Existence of Ronda and Steve?

And then I wrote a bit in my journal tonight. Hmm, nice to take some time for reflection. And then I posted for the first time in an email mailing list I joined a couple of months ago. Ahh, very therapeutic. Then I got caught up on a couple of friends' blogs and I thought perhaps people might be as interested in us and our comings and goings and musings as we are in theirs.


So, despite a very recent conversation with Steve where I expressed something along the lines of "I'll never see the need to have my own blog", a-blogging I have gone.

The deliberations turned to more important matters. Blogspot, or MySpace? (I'm sure there are other options out there, but I haven't the least desire to research them.) MySpace seems so high maintenance and .. meh. Blogspot won.

I'm sure it will be quite some time before my blog is everything I ever dreamed possible. Wait, we've already exceeded that. The deliberations will no doubt continue - template, content, links, oh my - and will surpass in importance the original question of, simply, to blog or not to blog.

Stay tuned.


The Erickson Family said...

Yay! Welcome to the blogging world! It will be fun to check in here and see what you two are up to. Cheers!

Mike, Crystal, Peanut, Maemae, Lelou and Corbin said...


The person that should be

I'm happy to see you got one going, its more fun that you might think. Not to mention, like you said, a little therapeutic.

Rolanda and Stuart though eh? Oh I cant wait for that "idiot" to log on tonight so I can harass him :)