Oh, me and my quick temper. When will I learn? Forgive me, Lord!
So if you read my last blog, you know I posted some shades on Craigslist. They were titled "Room-Darkening Roll Up Blinds", and since I probably wasn't calling them exactly the right thing, the first part of my description read, "We can't remember what these are called, exactly .. but we have two vinyl roll-up blinds ..."
I get an email from a gal tonight that says, simply (unedited by me):
"there called shades"
That's it. A little rude, I think.
But what got me all fired up was her signature:
"No Jesus, No Peace .. Know Jesus, Know Peace"
Now, some people would just roll their eyes and think "whatever" and click 'delete'. Some nicer, calmer, more rational people. Some might even smile at the signature line and with a contented sigh say, "Yes, indeed". Some holier people. Me? Noooooooo ... I immediately wonder what other kinds of bitty messages she's sending to people that rub them the wrong way, not only about her, but about Jesus. I start steaming about Christians who do more harm in this world than good, and I .... I fired off an equally hypocritical message to her. Sigh.
Here it is, I confess:
"And the first word in your sentence should have been 'they're', the contraction for 'they are'.
Are you interested in them? Or are you just trying to be helpful?
Because how you're coming off is snotty and hypocritical, a poor Christian example of the loving Son of God who you are apparently professing to know."
Gulp. For those of you that are the praying types, will you do this for me?
1 - Pray that she doesn't hunt me down and kill me.
2 - Pray that I would learn my lesson, bite my tongue, sit on my hands, count to ten, hide in my bedroom closet and do whatever else I need to do to get my lightening quick temper under control.
After all .. if I know Jesus, shouldn't I also know peace .. within myself?
So if you read my last blog, you know I posted some shades on Craigslist. They were titled "Room-Darkening Roll Up Blinds", and since I probably wasn't calling them exactly the right thing, the first part of my description read, "We can't remember what these are called, exactly .. but we have two vinyl roll-up blinds ..."
I get an email from a gal tonight that says, simply (unedited by me):
"there called shades"
That's it. A little rude, I think.
But what got me all fired up was her signature:
"No Jesus, No Peace .. Know Jesus, Know Peace"
Now, some people would just roll their eyes and think "whatever" and click 'delete'. Some nicer, calmer, more rational people. Some might even smile at the signature line and with a contented sigh say, "Yes, indeed". Some holier people. Me? Noooooooo ... I immediately wonder what other kinds of bitty messages she's sending to people that rub them the wrong way, not only about her, but about Jesus. I start steaming about Christians who do more harm in this world than good, and I .... I fired off an equally hypocritical message to her. Sigh.
Here it is, I confess:
"And the first word in your sentence should have been 'they're', the contraction for 'they are'.
Are you interested in them? Or are you just trying to be helpful?
Because how you're coming off is snotty and hypocritical, a poor Christian example of the loving Son of God who you are apparently professing to know."
Gulp. For those of you that are the praying types, will you do this for me?
1 - Pray that she doesn't hunt me down and kill me.
2 - Pray that I would learn my lesson, bite my tongue, sit on my hands, count to ten, hide in my bedroom closet and do whatever else I need to do to get my lightening quick temper under control.
After all .. if I know Jesus, shouldn't I also know peace .. within myself?