Saturday, February 21, 2009


When it's windy here during the winter, you lay down at night - earplugs in - and say a prayer that the wind will be gone when you wake up. When you wake up and realize it's still windy, well, words can't really describe the disappointment.

Today it seems like it might be a little lighter. Not "go outside and have some fun" or even "go outside and do some work" lighter, but "hmm, maybe I won't go completely insane if this is as bad as it's going to get" lighter. Or, "oh that's right, the forecast calls for rain, which is usually the only time the wind stops blowing in the winter" lighter.

But insane I'm starting to feel. Kind of a typical state for me in February, but exaggerated by the wind. A couple of years ago we visited friends in Arizona in February (you know who you are, the only two people who actually read this blog). That was an a-typical state for me to be in (heh) and it was glorious. It was sunshine and expansive blue skies and warmth and puppies and kittens and rainbows and magical sparkle dust.

I want to go on vacation!

In lieu of doing so, as we're saving our time for a trip to the east coast this summer (fingers crossed), we were reminiscing over our vacation photos from Colorado last year. Figured we'd finally share some. Consider this blog the first of several installments.

Above: The tram (gondola, whatever) ride we took from Glenwood Springs, 4300 feet up to Iron Mountain. The views were spectacular. On the way down, we found out we were riding with a local celebrity, some middle-aged-hottie-with-a-great-voice newscaster whose daughter just had to spill the beans about who her dad was. We didn't recognize him, of course, so neat, kid.

Below: Some of the incredible views from the Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park at the top of Iron Mountain.

If you enlarge the last picture, you'll see Steve floating in one of the rafts down the river. (Just kidding. Did you really do it?) He was on the mountain with me. Ridiculously, we ran out of time to go rafting. Next trip!

Next installment: What's a girl to eat for breakfast while on vacation? Cave bacon.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ode to my Valentine

Since I turned 34 in 2009, I made a list of 34 things to accomplish this year. Item #13: Blog once a week. For shame, I've already missed the last two weeks!

But I have found myself exiled to the office this morning, and my options are: paperwork, more paperwork or computer work. I've already done my homework for Tuesday, and in fact, my homework for Thursday as well. (Item #1: Complete 4 college courses.)

Steve is sleeping on the couch. He injured his knee at work on Friday night, falling down a hill chasing a suspected car thief, not realizing - in the darkness of the night - that he was running down a hill. Something about momentum in his torso being ahead of the momentum in his feet and ultimately going head over heels ... poor guy. He has his entire right leg immobilized by a giant brace, which is making sleeping difficult for him. He started in the bed last night, but at some point made the laborious move to the couch.

So I'm stuck in the office. And the cats are stuck in the garage, so my darling, injury-prone husband can get as much sleep as possible.

Hopefully he can see the doctor tomorrow. The initial hospital visit was inconclusive due to massive swelling (picture a camel hump rather than a knee). I can't remember what all he said could be wrong with it - something in there is deformed, his kneecap may have been out of place, he might have a torn patella tendon? (I swear I listened to him when he told me .. but I make a better nurse in practice than in study. I'll even admit that I only remember the patella part because he did a Google search for it and it was still listed up in the little search window.) Anyway, we don't know yet the extent of the injury, so we don't know what's in his future: a knee brace with rest and physical therapy, or surgery.

My original plan for this Valentine's weekend was to surprise him with a trip to Timberline Lodge, and make him take me downhill skiing for the first time in my life (Item #10). Thank goodness they were booked by the time I called! I had downgraded our plans to hiking a waterfall (Item #14), but when I saw him at our front door, I knew the plans were a) watch TV, b) help him clean and bandage his road-rashed hands and knees, c) watch TV, d) help him with his socks (this is another reason I should never have a child - I simply cannot put socks on anyone but me!), and e) watch TV. Notice none of these are on my "34 Things" list?

Oh well. What better way to show your Valentine that you love them than by being willing to dote on them, hand, knee and foot?

Here's a little Valentine poem for you, my sweet:

Your hair is red,

Your eyes are blue,
Despite ground-meat hands and Hunchback of Notre Dame knee,
I love you.