Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Work is a Zoo

My boss got back from a 4-day vacation today. She kept calling it a 6-day vacation, however, which was driving me a little bonkers. We share a small office and sit about 3 feet apart from each other, making me privy to every conversation she has all day long, as many times as she chooses to have them.

It was 4 days plus the weekend. Four days! Not six! A weekend does not a vacation make.

It was good to have her back, in that my work load and burden of responsibility has been lifted greatly. After about two hours, I was wishing her gone again. Can that woman ever talk.


And yet, wonderful motivation to finally tip my toes back into the world of education. I've enrolled in the local community college this fall, with future ambitions of working with animals rather than people.

I haven't gone back to school until now because I have career commitment phobia. I can't guarantee that I won't change direction again, but I'm jumping in nonetheless. If you can call one Math class - at a level lower than I actually tested into - jumping in. But, I want to do well, and enjoy being back in school, and being successful in my first class will help build the foundation.

Math .. to biology .. to zoology. That's the plan.

Though I'm tempted to just run away to New Zealand with one of my co-workers, who told me tonight that he's given his notice and moving there in October.

Koalas. Kangaroos. Talk about instant gratification!

Sigh. I'll probably be on the 15 year plan before I scratch a dingo's chin. At least my boss will retire in less than 5.


The Erickson Family said...

WOW! Ronders! This was quite the post!!! I can't wait until we can catch up! I wanna hear all about this new direction you're headed in!!!

Mike, Crystal, Peanut, Maemae, Lelou and Corbin said...

Back to school? To work with animals...shouldn't you have a Masters in that by now? you do live with Steven after all!

Missed you guys at the beach :(

Not even going to bother inviting you anymore, we can take a hint.