Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ode to an Odor

Something stinks. It really reeks.
Of the litter box I do not speak.
Nay, something else, wretched and fowl -
It makes upon my face a scowl.

It turns my insides inside out.
It no doubt makes me pout and shout.

This dreadful stench. It has a name.
On dear friends it's staked its claim.
Their fragrance which was once so sweet
Will soon wilt in the desert heat.

Arizona! Oh, heinous state
I hate you - rate you not so great!

Why must you lure my friends away?
(How can I postpone moving day?)
I'd shake my fist skyward, I suppose
If I didn't need it to plug my nose.

Farewell, then, if you must go
I know you need the dough to flow

Mike, Crystal, Elliot - we'll really miss you.
Good grief! Someone hand me a tissue!
I know - I mustn't be a hater.
Good luck! God speed! We'll see you later!


Mike, Crystal and Elliot's Blog:


Mike, Crystal, Peanut, Maemae, Lelou and Corbin said...

That was the best ever!!!!! You may want to be careful when you come down in Feburary, I may not let you leave :) I'll for sure have some applications for Steven, you'll of course have to help that idiot fill them out. ha!

The Erickson Family said...

Very humorous and sweet at the same time! :o)

The Erickson Family said...

No way Crystal - We wouldn't let them go without a fight! :o) Hope you have a good move. It would have been fun to have met you all.